Sawtooth School for Visual Arts - Overview

One of my most extensive, comprehensive and favorite projects at the establishment of my business was with Sawtooth School for Visual Art. I distinctly remember my first impression of driving past their building and thinking, "Woah, that is SUCH a cool building." Now, I could admit that this is one of the most prevalent phrases out of my mouth, as I am an avid metropolitan, so it might seem common. However, this remains to be one of the most unique buildings that I have ever seen ANYWHERE. Inside are equally as cool, unique and amazing people!  Getting to meet all of the instructors, all of the administration, and the artists was a pleasure beyond words, and I relish it. Here are some examples of the feel of Sawtooth and what they stand for in serving the community.

From the source:

Sawtooth School for Visual Art is a non-profit community arts school that plays a vibrant role in Winston-Salem and the Piedmont Triad region of North Carolina.

Since our founding in 1945, Sawtooth School for Visual Art has been a creative hub for Winston-Salem and the region. We have served generations of artists, from skilled professionals to novices of all ages.

Sawtooth’s classes and events are open to everyone in the community—no matter what age, skill level or background.  Classes range from one evening, a weekend or three months, with even more options for children and teens. Our dedicated teacher-artists foster a nurturing atmosphere that combines technical expertise and the freedom to experiment and grow.

The Sawtooth School for Visual Art traces its history to 1945 when the Junior League, the Winston-Salem school system, and the City Recreation & Parks Department joined forces to create the Arts & Crafts Workshop.

Over the years, the organization has been housed in several different locations under a variety of names, but its mission to provide high-quality craft and visual art instruction to all members of the community has never changed.

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